How to Say Yes Like a Native Speaker
Sounding Natural When Answering in the Affirmative
Do you ever get tired of saying yes the same old way? Does it feel like you are stuck saying ‘yes’,
‘of course’, and ‘sure’ again and again. While there is nothing wrong with any of these phrases,
sometimes we want to say more. In this lesson, we will learn many new ways to say yes AND what
the differences are between them.
Course Curriculum
Introduction, Sample Dialogue, and Warm Up Exercise……4:22
Main Lecture……………….3:59
Guided Exercise-Cross-Eyed……….3:02
Vocab Builder…………4:08
Guided Exercise-What Comes Next………..4:12
Final Thoughts………1:04
The Teacher’s Lounge………10:17
Your Instructor
Hi guys!!! My name is Chris and I am a professional English teacher. I have been teaching English for many years and have students all over the world. When I was in college I studied English, and after that I received my CELTA from Cambridge University. I have spent years dedicated to finding the most effective way for a native speaker, like me, to teach English. It's been a lot of hard work and long hours, but I've finally found a winning formula! I hope you enjoy!!!